Jeremy…husband of Catherine, father of Ben, Simeon, Tom, Joshua & Lydia. Up until the end of April 2015, he was pastor/vicar of a group of churches on the edge of Exeter in Devon, UK. In early October 2014, aged 48, he was diagnosed with advanced cancer, a stage four malignant melanoma presenting as a tumour on his lungs. The usual life expectancy is 8-12 months. Then, in late December 2014, 23 year old Ben suffered a seizure. After prolonged medical care for what was most likely to have been a viral infection affecting his brain, Ben died in April 2015. Jeremy has up until recently seemed to have responded well to pioneering immunotherapy treatments that can extend life, but from September 2016 is now facing the fresh development of brain tumours and potentially now just months to live. On January 27th 2017 Jeremy took his last breath and went to be his Lord and Saviour. The family share their thoughts, feelings and reflections as they taJeremy…husband of Catherine, father of Ben, Simeon, Tom, Joshua & Lydia. Up until the end of April 2015, he was pastor/vicar of a group of churches on the edge of Exeter in Devon, UK. In early October 2014, aged 48, he was diagnosed with advanced cancer, a stage four malignant melanoma presenting as a tumour on his lungs. The usual life expectancy is 8-12 months. Then, in late December 2014, 23 year old Ben suffered a seizure. After prolonged medical care for what was most likely to have been a viral infection affecting his brain, Ben died in April 2015. Jeremy has up until recently seemed to have responded well to pioneering immunotherapy treatments that can extend life, but from September 2016 is now facing the fresh development of brain tumours and potentially now just months to live. On January 27th 2017 Jeremy took his last breath and went to be with his Lord and Saviour. The family share their thoughts, feelings and reflections as they take this painful and unexpected journey.

Returning to the Valley

into-the-dark-valleyThe news is not good and my mind is both a-whirr and awash with thoughts, feelings and emotions. I’m writing this in the wee, small hours of 9th September in our darkened bedroom.

Yesterday afternoon, Clare – one of the very supportive specialist nurses at the hospital – rang and asked if I could come into the Oncology Department at 4.15pm. My MRI head scan results were back. I sensed it wasn’t great.

So, taking our long-standing friends and former neighbours at college in Auckland, Tim and Kathryn Handley, currently staying with us, off I went.

Dr Goodman asked how I was. “Generally OK, but aware of fresh small lesions/tumours appearing under my skin on my upper body.”

“Well”, he replied, “I’m afraid I’ve not got good news”. He then went on to describe that my head scan late last week showed multiple tumours in the brain, and whilst generally in the left hand side, were somewhat spread out. It seems that the pembrolizumab (aka Keytruda) is having little or no effect chasing melanoma secondaries in the brain. He’s also concerned that the drug is showing signs of increased ineffectiveness in my body generally. It’s either holding things, or the melanoma is now advancing again.

He asked if I’d seen any signs of effects on the brain. No headaches or dizzy spells, but I guess I’d been aware of an instance a couple of weeks ago, talking with Catherine, of a strange speech episode where, mid sentence, I’d started making an elongated “uuuummmmmmm” and couldn’t produce any words. Then some ongoing, occasional inability to string a sentence together.

They’re all possible symptoms of something going on.

My clarifiying questions were many.

Apparently the brain is a very good gate-keeper and works hard to keep out infections, so good that it can also keep out the drugs like pembro that can help get rid of tumours like this.   

exeter-oncologyAs we talked, Dr Goodman was clear that we’ve now reached a particularly serious stage from which it is difficult to return. Medically, some small hope is offered by five short doses of radiotherapy to shrink the tumours.But because the tumours are relatively spread out, they can’t be targeted by a specific beam and so it’ll have to be general radiotherapy to the brain. This can have its own consequences in the form of possible memory loss and an increased inability to concentrate, something which could then further deteriorate with time. I’ll also lose my hair.The positive effect of the therapy is that it may “bump start” the brain into accepting the pembroblizumab/keytruda in. But, he emphasised, it’s only a slim chance this will happen.

I start the week after next, and for the next few days, I’m on a course of steroids as part of the procedure. He also told me that the presence of the tumours means I’m prevented from driving from this point on.

We’re left as a family, once again, rocked. Whilst news like this has always been a possibility, it’s news that we hoped nonetheless we wouldn’t hear. As Catherine and I gathered the children around the table when I got home (ironically 23 months to the day since my original diagnosis) and I walked everyone through the scenario, there were plenty of questions, but plenty of tears. “I hoped you all wouldn’t be facing this so soon after losing Ben”, I struggled to say. Together, we considered many things, both practical arrangements and then who is getting what support from where, at least for the next few days and weeks.

There’s no idea of time. I could suddenly deteriorate. The fact I haven’t had a seizure with the number of tumours present is a good sign, showing they’re currently in more low risk areas. But the fact that I’m now barred from driving shows the risk of further development is nonetheless high. But God. And His praying people.

Where do I go with all this and what do I feel? Internally for me, fresh anxieties and fears have surfaced – I’ve always felt particularly bothered about any of this ever affecting my brain. But once again, where countless others might currently want to say to me, “Where is your God?”, I find myself drawn back to the One who walked on the waters as Lord of all creation – and the One who now comes and walks on the waters of my troubles and fears. The One who alone has the words of eternal life. The One who returned from beyond death. And the One who is Life, even in the face of death. And so already, in the hours after this news, whilst I’m conscious of a big emotional tsunami rolling in, I can sense His promised peace. None of this I say glibly because “Well, he’s bound to…he’s a vicar-type”…no, I say it based on years of seeing the promises and power of His Word ring true through all the circumstances of life and then seeing Him at work in the most profound and life-changing ways in both my and others lives. 

And so as I sit here writing this in our darkened bedroom, I’m encouraged as I read these words of Jesus spoken to His disciples who were about to face the most brutal persecutions and difficulties –

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16)

That encourages me as I face today. We’re going to face this a day at a time.

We sense we’ve got a dark valley ahead of us, but as Catherine and I lay on our bed together last evening, we joined in a brief prayer, “May we know you near us, Lord”

Comments on: "Returning to the Valley" (148)

  1. Bob Claycamp said:

    Love you, Jeremy. Praying for you and the family.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ian & Bec Hussey said:

    Love & prayers from us in Nelson xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We’ll be mobilising additional prayer for you all, Jeremy. You have been so faithful in keeping us in touch. God bless and keep you all,moment by moment, every day (Robert and Ros Weston).

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Praying that in the midst of all your pain and anguish you will know the peace and grace of God.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Stephen Cousley said:

    We have you all in our hearts and prayer

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Widge/pippa Stafford said:

    I am so very sorry to hear the news,you Catherine and the children have and always will be in my thoughts and prayers,you have all been so brave, I wish I could be nearer to help in any way, with all love X and BIG O


  7. Extra prayer for you & yours just now. Kate Reed

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Steven Kenyon said:

    Hi Jeremy. I’m so sorry to hear that news but I’m praying for you my friend. God is good and he will be with you and your lovely family always. Lots of love, Steven.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. We have you all in our hearts and prayers

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Gill Brown said:

    Jeremy Catherine and all, we love and cherish you. When I faced a cancer situation the then vicar gave me the well known words from Proverbs Trust in the LORD and lean not on your own understanding. How true for us all. We are really praying.


  11. So sorry my friend. I am praying that you and all your family will know the loving presence of the whole Godhead around and within you. I will also be praying for Gods healing power to work in your life. Loads of love

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Jeremy,
    My prayers are with you and I know you still have hope in the God who does impossible things every day.
    God bless you and the family.
    In the healing power of Christ,

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Iain Baker said:

    Praying for you

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Caroline Cook said:

    Hi Clark family. So sorry to hear of this news. I know that Heavenly Father has you all, praying for his peace at this time. love from all The Cook family in Brighton. x

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Jenny Hudson said:

    Jeremy, my heart sank when I saw the title of this post. And then as always I was uplifted by the words and grace our Father has shown to you, and you have shared with us. We’re praying for you especially this morning – that Father will continue to reveal Himself to you, Catherine and your lovely family; and prove Himself to be your unfailing strength.
    “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.” Isaiah 26:3-4

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pat Fuggle said:

    This is very difficult news for you & all your family. Thanks for being so honest. We will continue to pray for you all xx

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Tricia and John said:

    We will continue to pray for you and all the family, Jeremy.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Oh Jeremy, how hard this is for you and all your family. May God bless you all as He holds you together in His keeping. We pray on,

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Anne Thomson said:

    So sorry to hear of this development. Your blogs are always so full of faith and that is an inspiration. We will keep you in prayer , asking for a miracle. God bless you and your family.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Tanya marrow said:

    Got so upset reading your blog .
    Wanted you to know I am thinking of you and all your family.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. So sorry to hear your news Jeremy – you are always in our prayers and thoughts. I think of the hymn Thy way not mine O Lord. however dark it be.. The peace of God be always with you. love from Mary & Peter xx

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Jane Trethewey said:

    Dear Jeremy – continuing to hold you in our thoughts and prayers that our wonderful God will continue to do miracles and His will is done. Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Frances Down said:

    Hi Jeremy & Catherine,
    So sorry to hear your news. I’ll be praying for you confident in the knowledge that whilst we don’t always understand God’s ways, they are part of His perfect plan and He can do great things, beyond anything we can imagine. I pray He will comfort and strengthen you all at this time. Love, Frances x

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Dave and Carol said:

    Carol and I continue to pray for you Jeremy. Me He who created the heavens and the earth continue to hold you all in the palm of His hands.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Lucy Fellows said:

    Dear Jeremy and family, we’re so sorry to read this news. We’ve missed you and think of you all so often. Sending you lots of love dear brave people… hugs from Lucy, Shan and Ned xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Simon Evans said:

    Hi Jeremy, I’ve read your blog this last year with great interest- your encouragement and trust in the Lord in the midst of adversity is inspirational.
    We can lean on Psalm 77 v 14 which reminds us that ‘You are the God who performs miracles, you display your power among the peoples.’ I pray for a fresh healing touch from the Lord Almighty, for you to continue blessing others and to trust in God’s unfailing love.
    God bless, Simon

    Liked by 1 person

  27. We will be praying throughout the day – up to and through your treatment – that your body and brain will be given strength to continue the fight and let the drugs do effective work. You and the family are constantly in my thoughts

    Liked by 1 person

  28. The Newmans said:

    My prayers are for you and all your family at this difficult time.One step at a time. With my love, Eileen

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Wendy Parrish said:

    Praying for you Jeremy. Your faith and testimony is awesome. Wendy

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Lynda & Paul said:

    We’re praying for you all xx

    Liked by 1 person

  31. ‘The sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick…”‘ (John 11:3).

    The words in John above came to mind when I read this post. The plea to Jesus for Lazarus, above a general “please make him well, Lord”, was made based on the Lord’s love for him. I make my prayer to Jesus for you on the same thing, “Lord, the one you love is sick.” Praying for you Jeremy, and all the family – yes, that Jesus would heal you as He has power to – but in some ways, above all, that He would maintain and strengthen (for all of you) the knowledge and the faith that you are most definitely loved by Him, held firm by Him, that because of His love for you He endured the cross, that you are most definitely HIS.

    I don’t understand everything – it just makes me sad. But thank you for helping me, through the example of you and your family, to look to Jesus in the midst of everything and helping me to trust Him in it all. “When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace (and love, and care, and goodness, etc)”.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. tracey rankin said:

    dear jeremy, catherine and family, continuing to pray for you all and god’s perfect peace and comfort to surround you. He is sovereign xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Helen Sinclair said:

    Special prayers as you continue this long journey of ups and downs. Much love to you all. Helen

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Rev Simeon Damdar said:

    Wandering through the Forest, and didn’t know where they were, (Felt Lost) the two Sisters explained to the first person they saw…”We don’t know where we are, But our Father is the King”. The two girls were the then Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. So sorry to hear this latest news Jeremy. Praying for you all, that you may know your prayer answered.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. David & Rosemary Harley said:

    Sad news. Praying that God will continue to give you his grace and peace, Jeremy, and thanking God for giving you the strength and skill to write of your experience so movingly, inspiring and challenging others of us in our walk with our Lord.
    Rosemary & David

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy Clark said:

      I won’t forget that day of my diagnosis, there Rosemary was at the hospital too. Just like God’s reminder then (and since) that He’s particularly close by in His people. Thanks for your support.


  37. Gina Johnston said:

    Thank you for sharing this Jeremy – your journey which once again brings you to a valley – but instead of the focus being on the medical,the unknowns – we are exported to a high ground (as if on Eagles wings) – where your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the truth, the known, the tangible, the unfailing Grace, Peace, Hope and Love that flows from our Creator, that manifests itself in His Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is about your journey with Him. He alone is in control, and nothing the doctors can say, do, or attempt to predict can never, ever overrule God’s plan for you. You are in safe hands. He has brought to this far, He Loves you and He knows – and feels your love for Him. He delights in you and you delight in Him and that’s what shines through no matter what. We continue to pray for you, and your wonderful family. God Bless xx

    Liked by 1 person

  38. said:

    The Lord gives us the words to share, Psalm 29-11 says 11 ;The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.Will pray for  healing of the mind, body & Soul, Amen x              Glenys                     Westgate church,                      .                                  Exeter

    Liked by 1 person

  39. God is with and for you and your family now and in the future dear Jeremy. Will continue to pray.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Julia Green said:

    AS always much love to you, Catherine and the family in this most difficult time for you all xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Jeremy, I am so gutted to read this news. We will be on our knees praying and pleading more for divine intervention. LYou never cease to amaze me at how you manage to stay positive. If there is anything Sue and I can do to offer our help, then please let us know. Much love and Prayers
    Paul & Sue

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Thank you Jeremy. I’m obviously sorry to hear the news, but once again inspired by your exemplary ability to keep trusting in God, come what may. Love and prayers, Matthew

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Mary and Stephen Schlich said:

    just adding our names to the thousands who want to give their support and love to you and all the family If I have a tickle I can scratch it with varijng amount of viciousness according to how I feel. Having a sensitive skin I need pretty much all the viciousness I can muster to bring any amount of relief You don’t have that option and so your ” tickle” has the control I don’t think I have ever prayed for a tickle before but I will now I would love to do anything. Anything I have learned about certainty I have learned from you May the love of all your friends comfort you and the love of your family amaze you Thank you for your teaching from Mary

    On 9 Se 2016, at 07:33, Tracing t

    he Rainbow through the Ra


  44. Caroline Colin said:

    “Thy will be done on earth”. Our love to you Jeremy and our continued prayer support. Caroline Colin

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Humbled to read this and your moving response to the news. May God give you all ongoing peace in the storm.

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Phil Butcher said:

    Praying for you all Jeremy & Catherine. We’re asking that you would know peace even with this latest news. See you soon
    Phil & Debbie x

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Bridget Faithfull said:

    Love and prayers to you all


  48. Bishop Richard and Hilary Ellena said:

    Dear Jeremy and Catherine,
    Went to bed last evening after reading your latest news and imagined you, on the other side of the world just waking to another day of uncertainty, and remembered with joy our early years of ministry together in South Canterbury. Your blog has been an inspiration Jeremy – one that I have passed on to so many people over the past two years so that they can be inspired by you both, but also join with us in our prayer for you which continues daily. In John’s expanded account of Jesus last hours with his disciples we readJesus words to his disciples: ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let you hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.’ May you continue to hear his voice whispering this to you throughout all that lies ahead.
    Our deepest love and continued prayer
    +Richard and Hilary

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy Clark said:

      Richard and Hilary…you guys remain so special to us. Those Timaru days we won’t forget and the times (short as they’ve been) when we’ve been back in NZ and seen you are always SWEET! Thanks for your love and support.


  49. Jo-Ann aka Grandmerry - Concord, NH USA said:

    Dear Jeremy, Catherine & Family…..I join my heart and hands with my ‘brothers & sisters’ crying aloud with fervent prayer during this difficult journey. I pray that you be held in His Precious Hands tightly enough to continue to press on.

    Keith & Kristyn Getty wrote a song “Still, My Soul Be Still”.that is featured on their album “Awaken the Dawn”. The song is about being still and trusting in God’s steadfastness despite the sea of changes raging around us in our daily lives. Allow me to share these encouraging lyrics:

    Still my soul be still, and do not fear though winds of change may rage tomorrow.
    God is at your side, no longer dread the fires of unexpected sorrow.

    Chorus: God You are my God, and I will trust in You and not be shaken.
    Lord of peace renew a steadfast spirit within me to rest in You alone.

    Still my soul be still, do not be moved by lesser lights and fleeting shadows.
    Hold onto His way with shield of faith against temptations flaming arrows.

    Still my soul be still, do not forsake the Truth you learned in the beginning.
    Wait upon the Lord and hope will rise as stars appear when day is dimming.

    Thank you, Jeremy, for being a great voice for Christ! Psalm 66:20 reads “Blessed be God,
    who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me.” Great is the Lord and Worthy of Praise! You matter to God and also to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy Clark said:

      Jo-Ann…thanks for your encouragement and for including Keith & Kristyn’s song.That’s pretty special. It’s great have you walk with us.


  50. Barnes Home said:

    Dear Jeremy and Catherine Thank you once again for your remarkable grace and faith and for your equally remarkable willingness and ability to articulate and share your journey with us. All of it in real time. I really don’t have words to offer back other than that thanks and to say we continue to pray with you. That by itself sounds so trite. Except for, as you put it, “but God and the prayers of his people” So we continue to pray. Great the Handleys can be with you at this time. If you think of it say hi from Libby and me. Bob Barnes

    Sent from my iPod

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy Clark said:

      Thanks, Bob & Libby, that’s such an encouragement. I’d forgotten you knew the Handleys…will tell them in 5 mins. They’re with us for 5 weeks.


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